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Which environment-friendly products can be used daily?

 Using and promoting the use of Eco-friendly products is the need of the hour. As we all know that global warming is deteriorating our environment drastically. Thus, it is our duty as human beings to use more and more environmentally conscious products and be a helping hand in saving the environment.

If we make use of all the limited natural resources ourselves, then there will be nothing left for the generations to come. So, it is our responsibility to change the way we use products on a daily basis and promote the usage of Eco-friendly items as suggested by Nick Vedovi.

  • Instead of using plastic bags, one can use bags made of cotton or jute.
  • We can also promote the use of rechargeable batteries.
  • Other than this, we can use recycled clothes.
  • Instead of using plastic bottles, we can make use of reusable water bottles.
  • In addition to this, there are solar lawn movers and solar phone chargers that would help save electricity and cut short your bills as well.
  • Biodegradable trash bags can be used instead of using plastic bags.

If we make these little changes to our daily routine and ask others to do so, then our environment will be more sustainable than ever as aptly suggested by Nick Vedovi.


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