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Nick Vedovi - Popular Facts about Wind Energy

People like Nick Vedovi working to promote the use of environmentally conscious products and renewable energy like solar and wind energy. The usage of renewable resources is helping us to reduce the footprint of countries across the world.

Some more interesting facts about wind power:

1. Wind energy now supplies over 20% of Denmark’s total power needs and the country is home to the world’s largest offshore wind farm.


2. The United States is the largest wind energy-producing country in the world, generating some 35000 megawatts in 2009, while Germany remains world leader in total renewable energy production.


3. In the United States alone, their entire coal-fired electricity production could be replaced if only their 10 windiest states fully utilized wind power.


4. It has been estimated that Wind Energy could successfully reduce yearly carbon emissions worldwide by 4%.


5. Wind power can have a positive economic benefit, especially in more rural areas, by creating jobs and increased wealth, not only through the initial construction but also via ongoing maintenance. This could prove very beneficial for underdeveloped nations.


6. Offshore wind power is roughly 7 times more efficient than wind farms sited on land. The entire energy needs of many countries worldwide could easily be met if major investment in offshore wind energy was encouraged.


7. If wind energy was to supply all of the world’s power needs some 13% of the planet’s entire landmass would need to be developed. This would of course be considerably lowered if offshore production was greatly increased.


8. A simple wind energy generator can be built, at very little cost, by the average homeowner, bringing big savings in energy bills — something that is rarely achievable with conventional forms of energy production.


9. As costs continue to fall, wind power is becoming increasingly common in our cities and towns. Wind turbines can be seen on the public as well as commercial buildings, individual homes as well as residential high rise apartments alike.


10. With a multi-million pound plan to install some 29000 megawatts of wind power production by 2020, the United Kingdom is investing heavily in green energy. Once the plan has been completed, the UK will be one of the top 5 wind energy nations in the world.


So in summary, we can conclude that Wind Energy is rapidly becoming a popular, efficient, and cost-effective form of green energy. For homeowners, this free renewable energy source really can cut their utility bills.


Politicians and governments worldwide really need to encourage individual uptake, perhaps with tax breaks or interest-free loans as well as investing in large scale projects. This way we can really have an impact on carbon emissions and drastically cut fossil fuel use and reduce global warming. If you are making mind to use solar or wind energy then you can contact experienced consultants like Nick Vedovi.


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