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Showing posts from December, 2020

Nick Vedovi - Our Planet and the Environment - What’s Going On?

  Nick Vedovi :-  If you are a world citizen in the 21st century, one of the most common concerns that you will come across refers to the environment. Everyone is talking about the environment and more importantly, everyone is talking about the need to preserve and conserve the environment. People like  Nick Vedovi   promoting eco-friendly products. We also need to understand that Nature is almighty. If we harm the environment then we are destroying our self. If you flip across the news channels or nature-based programs, you are bound to hear the many grave concerns that are being expressed by a host of persons ranging from politicians, to environmentalists and down to lay folk about the concerns that the environment is currently facing the world over. What exactly is the environment? Why are we all so concerned about it? In a very generic sense, the environment refers to the milieu or context of and the surroundings in which a particular item exists. For instance, we may say that the

Nick Vedovi - Popular Facts about Wind Energy

People like Nick Vedovi working to promote the use of environmentally conscious products and renewable energy like solar and wind energy. The usage of renewable resources is helping us to reduce the footprint of countries across the world. Some more interesting facts about wind power: 1. Wind energy now supplies over 20% of Denmark’s total power needs and the country is home to the world’s largest offshore wind farm.   2. The United States is the largest wind energy-producing country in the world, generating some 35000 megawatts in 2009, while Germany remains world leader in total renewable energy production.   3. In the United States alone, their entire coal-fired electricity production could be replaced if only their 10 windiest states fully utilized wind power.   4. It has been estimated that Wind Energy could successfully reduce yearly carbon emissions worldwide by 4%.   5. Wind power can have a positive economic benefit, especially in more rural areas, by creating jobs and increa

Nick Vedovi - Ways to Conserve Energy in Your Home

 An energy-efficient house can reduce energy consumption by up to 40 percent. This can translate into hundreds of dollars annually. That’s why homeowners are developing home energy conservation strategies to reduce their energy bills and be environmentally friendly at the same time. By identifying and prioritizing the areas where energy is not being used efficiently, you will be able to correct the problem and make a huge improvement in your finances.  Nick Vedovi is passionate about selling sustainability and environmentally conscious products. He made his efforts to create renewable energy products that are environmentally friendly. Quick Facts about Energy Conservation in the Home That’s why it’s important for you to have an efficient heating system and cooling system. For maximum energy saving, a house that is occupied should have the thermostat set at 68 F during winter. If the house will be unoccupied for at least 24 hours, set the thermostat at 50 to 55 F. Install a central air